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Jim Earsom

Position: Director | Committees: Public Outreach and Education, Land Conservation and Mitigation
Term: 3/2024 - 11/2028
May contain: face, happy, head, person, smile, adult, male, man, body part, and shoulder

IERCD President Jim Earsom was appointed to the IERCD Board of Directors after a distinguished 32 year career with the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service. Associate Director Earsom retired as the District Conservationist for the Redlands Service Center in 2009, where he provided a variety of technical services to landowners, cities, counties and other agencies within the District. This considerable experience with residents, partners, and geography of the IERCD service area has been of tremendous benefit to the District since his 2010 appointment and during his terms as Vice President as well as President. Associate Director Earsom stepped down as Board President in 2022, but remains as an Associate to lend his expertise and knowledge. 

Since joining the Board of Directors, President Earsom has served on both the Mitigation and Lands Committee as well as the Public Outreach and Education Committee.